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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Long Arc of Gradual Decline

Arguably, religion is the greatest signifier in American culture. Religion drives attitudes and behaviors. The so called culture wars of recent years is anecdotal evidence supporting these contentions.

Religion is a cultural phenomenon in flux. Today the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life published a report: "U.S Religious Landscape Survey." Counting shifts within Protestantism, some 44 % of Americans have changed religious affiliations.

According to this comprehensive survey, nearly 20% of men, mostly under 50, have no affiliation, as compared to 13% of women.

The unaffiliated are growing, while the Protestants are declining. Now 51% of the population, Protestants in the 1970s made up nearly 2/3rds of the population. Catholics have suffered a net decline, too, though immigrants have buoyed their ranks.

Statistics such as these can be interpolated in varying ways.

In my estimation these findings presage a decline of organized religions' general influence. While the U.S. is behind the decline-curve compared to Europeans and Canadians as well, I've long predicted a similar cultural shift for American culture. It won't be sudden and dramatic as was the "greening of Quebec." But it appears to me that a younger generation is leading an inevitable decline. The reason? I'd say its a matter of traditional religion's decreasing relevance. To use a biblical reference: "You don't put new wine in old wineskins."

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