[from a sermon Around the World Religions]
When Nature’s God, using the slow but sure means of evolution, shaped and then sent our ancestors across the face of the earth to inhabit it, She did so with great expectations:
First, that through the millennia women and men would have many and diverse experiences, thereby teasing out and embodying the vast possibilities of the human condition in varying climates and cultures.
And second, that someday, when the world would seem to grow much smaller, as it has in our times, we might gather together the many people of the earth along with the deposit of their respective cultures. Then, now, we might learn of multitudinous experiences and discover how the various cultures not only evolved but also found and lived the meaning of their lives.
Why did She do so? She did so because she is a bountiful and generous God. She made the human condition virtually boundless that we might discover the many meanings that may be lived and discovered, not just in a particular life but through many, many lives.
No one life, no one culture is large enough to encompass the human condition. For She is a wise and Loving God, who delights and unconditionally loves all Her progeny in all its diversity.